RBI revises Scale Based Regulation framework for NBFCs in upper layer covering Capital requirements

RBI revised the Scale Based Regulation framework for NBFCs in upper layer. RBI issued the detailed guidelines w.r.t maintenance of Common Equity Tier 1 capital of at least 9 % of Risk Weighted Assets by the NBFCs, UL. This circular further defined as what will be included in the Equity Tier 1 Capital. This will be applicable to all NBFCs identified as NBFC-UL, except Core Investment Companies (CICs).RBI revised the Scale Based Regulation framework for NBFCs in upper layer. RBI issued the detailed guidelines w.r.t maintenance of Common Equity Tier 1 capital of at least 9 % of Risk Weighted Assets by the NBFCs, UL. This circular further defined as what will be included in the Equity Tier 1 Capital. This will be applicable to all NBFCs identified as NBFC-UL, except Core Investment Companies (CICs).taxmann.com Latest Statutory HappeningsRead More

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