Internal Control – Key Driver for Board Decisions

Internal control plays a critical role in organisation Risk Management. The Internal auditor and the role is the key success factor for the business and safeguard investors interest towards the Company. The Board ensure that effective Internal control were in place to ensure that Controls were established and Monitored and reported frequently to the Management. Objectives of Internal Control : 1) Reliability of Financial Reporting, 2) Effectiveness and efficiency, 3) Compliance with applicableInternal control plays a critical role in organisation Risk Management. The Internal auditor and the role is the key success factor for the business and safeguard investors interest towards the Company. The Board ensure that effective Internal control were in place to ensure that Controls were established and Monitored and reported frequently to the Management. Objectives of Internal Control : 1) Reliability of Financial Reporting, 2) Effectiveness and efficiency, 3) Compliance with Latest ArticlesRead More

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